In one of my recent blogs I had asked my readers to keep money ready and get their KYC done so as to invest in PPFAS AMC’s new fund offering (NFO). I got a call from them yesterday that they have received SEBI approval for their scheme and the NFO will come out in the next few weeks. You can check the mail of the Fund Manager Mr Jayant Pai to me.
I would suggest the following procedure:-
(a) Have your KYC status OK. You can check your status at this site. KNOW YOUR KYC STATUS.
(b) If your status is not OK, it could be because of two reasons, one is you have not applied so far. In that case download this form and fill it up and deposit as per instructions. FRESH KYC APPLICATION FORM.
(c) You had your KYC form filled before 01 Jan 2012. In that case you need to fill up CHANGE IN DETAIL FORM. Fill up only part B of the form and forward.
(d) Download the form from PPFASAMC website. They will upload it in a few days.
(e) Make the first investment offline. Form + Cheque to be deposited at any of the designated CAMS centres. LOCATION OF CAM CENTRES IN INDIA. Their toll free helpline is 1800-200-2267.
(f) In case there is no CAMS centre in your town, send the cheque and form by post directly to PPFAS Corporate Office at PPFAS Mutual Fund,Great Western Building, 1st Floor, 130/132, S. B. S. Marg, Diagonally opposite Lion Gate, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001.
(g) After the first investment all others can be done on line through their website
“We have received all requisite approvals from SEBI and plan to launch our scheme (PPFAS Long Term Value Fund) next month (May 2013).
We thank you for your patience and support and hope you will come on-board at the New Fund Offer (NFO) stage.
The various channels through which you could invest are :
Unfortunately, as per current regulations online investing through our website can only be undertaken once your folio number has been generated. Hence your initial investment (either during the NFO or later) will have to made offline. All subsequent investments can be made online after procuring your Login ID and Password.
3. Downloading the Application Form from our website, and submitting the duly filled form to our Corporate Office (PPFAS Mutual Fund,Great Western Building, 1st Floor, 130/132, S. B. S. Marg, Diagonally opposite Lion Gate, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001) or to any CAMS office in India, The list of CAMS offices are contained on our website.
4. Completing the Application Form appended along with this letter and contacting your Relationship Manager at PPFAS so that we can have it collected from your doorstep if you are located in Mumbai.
If you choose to invest online through the PPFAS AMC website, your investment will automatically be channelised into the ‘Direct Plan’ option which will will give you the benefit of a lower expense ratio as compared to the ‘Regular / Distributor Plan’
As of now, the minimum subscription amount for lumpsum as well as SIP investments is Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) and in multiples of Rs. 1/- thereafter. We are offering monthly and quarterly options and the SIP dates on offer are : 1st and 10th.
Jayant R. Pai,
PPFAS Asset Management Private Limited